Thursday, 23 August 2018
Follow Through Phase
In the follow through phase I still need to contract certain segments. To make sure my shot is effective I need to contract smaller muscles in my arms. I can see from my execution phase that I am using my larger muscles first then my smaller muscles last.
While in the follow through phase the joints that are being used are my Shoulder joint and my Elbow joints. While moving from the execution phase to the follow through phase both my shoulder and elbow joints are working. The shoulder joint is extending, the agonist muscle contracting to make this movement is latissimus dorsi and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is the Pectoralis Major. The elbow joint is continued to extend the agonist muscle contracting to make this movement is the Triceps and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is the Biceps. The differences/Similarities I can see in my joints and the ideal are my hands are too close to each other and my arms are too far out.
In the following phase I am using Newtons Third law. Newtons Third law states whenever a force is applied there is an equal and opposite reaction, because when I apply more force to my legs it goes right through my body and into the ball. The more force I produce in my body the further the ball's is going to be shot.
In the follow through phase balance and stability is still important to producing a well executed shot. To be balanced in this phase I need to make sure my balance is equal. I know I'm balanced because my centre of gravity is inside my body. The differences I can see in my balance and stability is my knees are flexing when they shouldn't be extended which means my balance isn't stabled as the ideal.
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Execution Phase
In the execution phase I still need to contract as many segments as possible to generate maximum force. As well as using my lower body segments, I also need to contract my upper body muscles in my basketball shot. In order to generate maximum force I need to follow a sequence of contracting my larger muscles first through to my smaller muscles. I can see from my picture that I'm producing force because my knees and hips are extending. Also, I need to make sure the timing is correct in my sequence. This means that my joints need to contract one after the other.
While in the execution phase the joints that are being used are Hip joint, Knee joint and Ankle joint. While moving from the preparation phase to the execution phase these joint movements are changing. The knee joint is extending. The agonist muscle contracting to make this movement is Quadriceps and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is my hamstrings. The hip joint is extending. The agonist muscle is my Gluteus Maximus and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is my Quadriceps. The Ankle joint is plantarflexing. The agonist muscle contracting to make this movement is Gastrocnemius. The antagonist muscle relaxing to make this movement is Tibialus. The differences/similarities I can see in my joints and the ideal are both our legs are extending and so is our arms.
In the execution phase I am using Newton's 2nd law. Newtons 2nd law states in the direction of the force being applied, and will accelerate at a rate depending upon the greater force will move an object faster than a smaller force. I can see that by bending my legs I am creating force to be able to accelerate the ball towards the hoop. The greater the force produced in my body the greater the acceleration I put into my shot.
In the execution phase balance and stability is important to produce a well coordinated shot. To be balanced my centre of gravity has to be at the point about which the distribution of these individual weights is symmetrical is the centre of gravity of the body, in other words is being balanced. Also I know I am balanced because I can see my centre of gravity is in the centre of my body which means im stabled and balance. I can see that my stance is similar to the Ideal because He's tip toeing and so am I also because both our hands are in the air.
Log Six: Turbo Touch
On Tuesday during the game Turbo touch the two factors that influenced my participation was fun and enjoyment and Sense of achievement.
Fun and enjoyment influenced my participation because I communicated
with my team in a positive way, I was figuring out solutions so my team
would have fun. In the end they had fun and It was a game to remember.
Sense of achievement influenced my participation because when we lost the
first time I could read the other teams plays which made it easier for my team
to win, when we jumped on I told my team to man up and mark their
partners to make it harder for the other team to get away from us.
Log Five: Modified Touch
Last week Friday during the game of Modified touch the two factors that
influenced my participation is pushing my body to physical limits, being
able to go at my own pace.
Pushing my body to physical limits influenced my participation, I was
getting tired to a point where I wanted to give up but my team kept me
going because they needed me. Knowing that my team needs me , I push my body to further limits.
Being able to go at my own pace influenced my participation, the game was going to fast and as soon as I got the ball I slowed down the game down by jogging. By slowing the game down it made the game more enjoyable.
Log Four: King Dodge ball
Last week Tuesday during the game King dodge ball the two factors that
influenced my participation is fun and enjoyment, Sense achievement.
Fun and enjoyment influenced my participation because before we started
playing the game I felt like it would’ve been boring but I ended up
participating anyways, I had so much fun it brought me closer to my
Sense of achievement influenced my participation because I was one of the
last ones standing, they tried getting me out but I ended up getting the last
person out on the other team before they got me out. I had a lot of pride out
of getting the last person out made me feel like I achieved something.
Log Three: Modified Touch
Yesterday during the game modified touch the two factors that influenced
my participation was Challenge and Sense of achievement.
It was a real challenge for me because I couldn’t find a solution to get pass
my opponents, also it was hard taking control because my team mates
weren’t listening to what I was saying, it really did make me try even harder.
Sense of achievement influenced my participation because I knew I would
get a lot of pride out of completing modified touch by coming second
instead of last. Participating through the whole thing and not giving up made me feel like I achieved something.
Log Two: Ki O Rahi
Last term on Tuesday during the game of Ki O Rahi the two factors that
influenced my participation were being able to go at my own pace, also fun
and enjoyment.
Being able to go at my own pace influenced my participation because
everyone else was moving the game abit too fast and I was getting tired so I
went at my own pace.
Fun and enjoyment influenced my participation because of the previous
experience, I’ve done it before and I love playing Ki o rahi. Running and
twisting at the same time was enjoyable about it and this game brings me
closer to my peers.
Log One: Island ball
On Tuesday during our game of Island ball the two factors that influenced
my participation were Challenge and Well-being.
Challenge influenced my participation because my opponents were
competitive which made it a good challenge for me. It was hard trying to
find a solution to get pass competitive opponents.
Well-being influenced my participation because I know if I was to
participate for a whole lesson it would build my fitness level up and I would eventually become fitter.
Friday, 22 June 2018
Preparation Phase

To generate maximum force I need to contact as many segments as possible. I know I am contracting segments in my preparation phase because my knees are bending, the more segments I use the more force I put into my shot. I know I am following the principle of sequencing because I am contracting my lower muscles, I can see I am contracting my lower body muscles because my knees are bending.
In the preparation phase I am contracting my lower body muscles. This means that I am using my Hips, Knees and Ankle joints in this phase.The first joint I'm using is my Hip joint. My hip joint is classified as a Ball and Socket joint, I can see that I'm flexing my Hip joint because I'm in a stance. My agonist muscle is my Quadriceps. My antagonist muscle is my Gluteus Maximus. My second joint I'm contracting is my knee joint. My knee joint is classified as a Hinge joint, I can see from my picture that my knees are bent therefore my knees are flexed. The agonist muscle is my hamstrings. The antagonist muscle is my Quadriceps. My Last joint I'm contracting is my ankle joint. My ankle joint is classified as a Hinge joint, I can see that my ankle is facing down which means that my ankles are Dorsiflexion. The agonist muscle is my Tibialis Anterior. The antagonist muscle is my Gastrocnemius. The differences between myself and the ideal athlete is I am leaning a bit forward and my legs are more flexed.
In the preparation phase I am using Newton's laws. The Newton's laws that I am using in this phase is his 1st law. Newton's 1st Law states a body continues in its state of rest or uniform motion unless an unbalanced force acts upon it. I am using newton's first law in my lower body by flexing my knees this means I am creating force to shoot the ball.
In the preparation phase balance and is important when performing a sporting movement. Line of gravity is defined as the vertical line that passes the centre of gravity to the ground e.g To be stable the line of gravity must fall within our base of support. Base of support is defined as the area that is in contact with the ground e.g The larger the contact area with the ground the greater the stability. My line of gravity is located. I can see I have base of support because my legs are shoulder width apart and both of my feet are on the ground, Therefore I am stable which allows my body to produce enough force in the preparation phase. The differences/Similarities I can see in my balance and stability compared to the ideal, we are both flexing our knees and both our feet are on the ground.
Thursday, 5 April 2018
Log Six: Multi Sports
Yesterday during Multi sports, I demonstrated the interpersonal skill Solving problems.
I demonstrated this interpersonal skill by calming down a couple of our teammates and
telling the coach to do the right thing. For example: Monu wasn’t really playing
the game fairly, He was just choosing sides so I told him to play the game fairly even
though he was on our side, I said “Play the game fairly, cause if you really were
on the other team and we cheated what would be going through your head?
What would you feel?” and that made him think twice.
telling the coach to do the right thing. For example: Monu wasn’t really playing
the game fairly, He was just choosing sides so I told him to play the game fairly even
though he was on our side, I said “Play the game fairly, cause if you really were
on the other team and we cheated what would be going through your head?
What would you feel?” and that made him think twice.
This had a positive impact on my team not because we won fairly after I talked to him,
but because I couldn’t hear anyone arguing and we all enjoyed ourselves in the end.
but because I couldn’t hear anyone arguing and we all enjoyed ourselves in the end.
Thursday, 29 March 2018
Log Five: Dodgeball
Last week Friday during the game dodge ball, I demonstrated the interpersonal skill solving problems.
I demonstrated this interpersonal skill by trying to find a way to protect the doctor from the golden ball. I came up with a plan that involved me protecting Monu from the yellow ball.
For example: Monu had to use me as a shield to save Waikura, So what I did was I jumped in front of him and protected him from the yellow ball.
This had a positive impact because I protected him from the yellow ball and the team gained trust in me because of what I did.
Log Four: Kickball
Last week Thursday during the game Kickball, I demonstrated the interpersonal skill
Solving problems.
I demonstrated this interpersonal skill by coming in as a group and telling them what to do when they kick the ball, also telling them how to kick the ball. For example: We let the fast people go first just to get points, and we told the rest of them to follow our plan.( Kick the ball soft and Run to the first base but if you have the chance to run to the second base then run but try not to get hit by the ball.)
This had a positive impact on us because we know what to do when we play the game again, also because we worked as a team( We also gained trust in each other, we followed our plan)
Log Three: Obstacle Course
Last week Thursday during the Obstacle course, I demonstrated the interpersonal skill effective communication.
I demonstrated this interpersonal skill by making sure that My teammate knew her directions and making sure that she’ll follow my voice and no one else's. For example: when my partner was walking near an item(Mat) I told her to Stop and step over it.
This had a positive impact on it because my partner got through the obstacle course without tripping or hurting herself or anyone else and because she gained trust in me.
Log Two: Basketball
Last week Friday during the game Basketball , I demonstrated the interpersonal skill Including others.
I demonstrated this interpersonal skill by making sure that some of our teammates were included. For example: I was talking to everyone and telling them to share the ball around so we all could get a turn and to communicate with each other instead of keeping the ball to themselves, also by having a group talk about what we should do the next time when jump back on the court.
This had a positive impact on my team because I included everyone and it made them feel part of a team and they enjoyed it.
Log One: Island Ball
Three Weeks ago during the game Island Ball, I demonstrated the interpersonal skill effective communication.
I demonstrated this interpersonal skill by making sure that my teammates knew what the rules were. For example: I made sure they understood the rules by asking them if they knew what was going on and if they don’t know ill would help them out, by explaining the game properly.
This had a positive impact on my team because everyone knew the rules and it helped my team defend the island.
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